*Dr. Mahesh Kumawat, Dr. Himanshu Chaturvedi, Dr. Jannu Manohar and Dr. Sakshi
According to Acharya Sushruta the presence of etiological factors causes the dosha to become vitiated and provoked causing all three doshas to leave their designated locations and vitiate the hearts rasa dhatu (body lymph) and manifest as a variety of pains known as hridbadha or hridroga. the leading cause of death worldwide according for 18 million fatalities annually is cardiovascular disease.heart disease is a serious health issue today and is quickly overtaking all other causes of death globally previously cardiac diseases were primarily found in the elderly. however due to changes in diet lifestyle and environmental factors cardiac diseases are now disproportinately more common in the younger population however there are a variety of cutting edge treatments avilable in modern medicine for patients with cardiac diseases but these methods are not accessible to everyone in contrast in ayurveda there are many drugs medicinal preparations such as rasyana pathya, apathya and various yoga techniques which have wonderful curative and preventative effects on cardiac diseases .additionally since everyone needs to be in good health all of the branches of ayurveda can collaborate.
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