*Dr. Bishnupriya Mohanty, Stafie Sharma and Dr. Sangram Keshari Das
Pravahika is one of the important and frequently occurringVyadhis of Annavaha and PurishvahaSrotas presently. Pravahika is the Pakwashayagatakaphajavikara with symptoms of – Sarakta mala, Sapravahana mala, Sakapha mala, Daha, Jwara, Bhrama, Daurbalya, Anannabhilasha, Sweda and Trishna. This disease can be resembled in modern with ulcerative colitis which is a form ofinflammatory bowel disease. It is a single case study of 23-year-old woman who was diagnosed with pravahikahaving symptoms of frequent loose motion with mucous discharge in less amountalong with few traces of blood, since 1 year. She visited Ayurvedic doctor and was suggested investigations which included routine stool examination, blood glucose, serum lipid profile and liver function test. The patient was treated with Ayurvedic medicine – A combination of powders Lavanbhaskar Churna, YashtimadhuChurna, LodhraChurna, SarivaChurna, PathaChurna, DhamasaChurna; Tab PravalPanchamrut; Tab Kamadudha Rasa. This case study demonstrates the therapeutic efficacy of the mentioned drugs.
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