Dr. Vinod Kumar Sidar*, Dr. Prema Bhagat and Dr. Shrikant Naik
The Ayurveda Shastra is the most ancient health science in the world. Ayurveda has two main objectives: (1) to maintain the health of a healthy body and (2) to cure the disease of a patient. Ayurveda is the best health science for the management of lifestyle disorders. Ayurveda has many therapies for the health management of the human body, such as Ritucharya (seasonal regimen), Dincharya (Daily regimen), Pathyapathya Palana (ideal diet chart), Swasthvrittacharya, Sadvritta Palana, Acharrasayana (ethical and moral activities), Aahar (food), Nidra (sleep), and Brahmacharya (Regulated Action) etc. The Ayurveda Shastra is not only a science for the treatment of any disease, but it is also the science of human life style. The word "Achara" means understanding and following the Shastra-Vachana (Scriptures). Aachara rasayana means the proper obedience of Achara and Vichara. The Achar-rasayana increases human lifespan and also increases the quality of human life. Achara Rasayana is mainly applicable to psychosomatic disorders. In the present era, crime is growing very fast, so its control is a crucial need for society. Achara rasayana can play an important role in the control of crimes. Achara rasayana can play an important role in controlling various crimes. The utility of Achar Rasayan is suffering from sexual crime, violence, greed, anger, etc. By lowering our stress levels and the likelihood of developing additional psychiatric problems, we can improve the quality of our lives. To promote a good existence in a healthy community, ayurveda practitioners use the Achara rasayana method of behaviour regulation.
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