Vd. Apashchim Baranth* and Vd. Shubhangi Apashchim Baranth
Ayurveda the holistic science suggest the unique principals of Tridosha, Dhatu and Mala for maintenance of the healthy body. Dhatu nourishes the body, supply nutrients to other vital tissues through Strotasa, supports the body and keeps the body healthy. During formation of Asthi Dhatu, Vata creates spaces in bones. These spaces are filled with nourishing tissues of Medas. This is known as Majja or Bone marrow. Majja dhatu is formed as poshak (unstable) Asthi dhatu flows through the majja vaha srotas in to the majja dhara kala and is digested by the majjaagni. In addition to the formation of the marrow, the sclera and the sclerotic fluids of the eye are formed.These are the updhatu?s of the production of majja dhatu.The waste products (malas) of this metabolic process are eye secreations. This concept of Srotas will further help in the critical interpreting of physiological aspects of human body. It is said that the entire functioning of our body is dependent on Srotas as they carry Sukshma and Sthula Bhava and fulfil the wear and tear of the body. Asthipuranam is done by Majja Dhatu. That?s why Majja Kshaya takes place due to disturbed equilibrium of Tridosha then Asthi Dhatu is most affected. And Asthi Saushirya, Asthi Daurbalya, Asthi Laghuta, Asthi Nistoda, Pratatm Vata Roga, Alapshukrata, Bhrama, Timir Darshnam etc. are developed. The symptoms of Majja Kshaya can be correlated in Modern Science with osteoporosis, vertigo, hollowness in bones and oligospermia etc. The management of Asthi-Majja related diseases is irreplaceable because of the Ashrayaashrayi relationship of Vata Dosha and Asthi Dhatu which is fundamental base to understand any pathological condition related to Majja Dhatu. Thus this review study gives broad glimpse of knowledge about every aspect of Majja Dhatu and its vitiation effects described in Classical texts.
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