Rajeshwari*, Pooja Rajendran and Anand S.
?Pundareekena Sadrusham Hridayam”. Hridaya, the seat of Prana and Para Ojus, is a Koshtanga, and one among the Trimarma and Dashapranayatana. The word Hridaya itself denotes its multifunctioning nature i.e., Hr-taking, Da-giving and Ya-moving/functioning. In this era, the contemporary life styles increase the incidence of cardiovascular disease. It is one among the leading cause of death in all age groups. Annual number of deaths from CVD in India is increased from 2.26 million (1990) to 4.77 million (2020). So, there is a need of preventive cardiological measures. Ayurveda emphasizes on both Swasthyarakshana and Vikaraprashamana. It has so many modalities to maintain health, treatment and to increase the life span concerning Swastavritthapalana and Rasayana. Being the Jeevasthana, Paripalana of Hridaya is indeed. By adopting certain regimen like daily intake of KsheeraGritadi, Hridyadravya, Yoga, following Achara rasayana etc. can maintain the health of heart. Here an attempt is made to delineate the methods for protection of heart in light of Samhitas.
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