Dr. Ritisha Verma*, Dr. Amit Gupta and Dr. Sangeeta Verma
Nidana is defined as the fundamental or root cause of a disease. Avoidance of Nidana is the basis of Chikitsa. Among the countless number of ailments in this world a few can be identified as very common and very recurrently affecting, where Shotha is also one of those. In Ayurveda, Shotha is described as an independent disease and also as a symptom of many diseases. When vitiated Vayu enters in Bahya Sira and vitiates Kapha, Pitta andRakta, then these vitiated Dosha obstructs the passage of Vayu leading to Unmarga Gamana, which results in Shotha. In the present study an attempt has been made to find out the Nidana of Shotha. A structured questionnaire was administered to each patient, to collect data on Socio-demographic profile, Ahara-Satmya (Dietary Pattern) and other Ayurveda variables. It was found in the study that people taking Guru Bhojana, Ati Ushna Ahara, Ati Snigdha Ahara, Amla Rasa, Asatmya Bhojana, Dadhi Sevana, Mrittika Bhakshana, Shaaka Sevana are more susceptible to Shotha. Mithya Upachara after Panchakarma, Viruddhahara, and never undergoing Panchakarma, Abhojana, Upavasa, weakness, abortion, anaemia and trauma are also proved as an etiological factor of Shotha. One must avoid use of Nidana (Mithya Ahara-Vihara)to remain healthy.
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