Vd. Yogita J. Jethava* and Vd. Bhavisha A. Siddhpura
Rasa chikitsa is considered as the best Chikitsa among the all Ayurved Chikitsa because of its minimal dose administration, quick effectiveness and long shelf life. Apart from these qualities, if it is not administered with proper dietary regimen, it has some drawbacks i.e. toxicity or adverse drug effect. Now a day’s several adverse effects of heavy metals are burning issue. Most of the Rasadravya are toxic in nature and while using these Rasadravya, there should be a specific diet regimen followed. In our classics has mentioned Pathya & Apathya Aahara - Vihara while consuming Rasaushadhi. Pathya- Apathya is necessary to follow while using these Rasadravya for to reduce its adverse effect or eradicate it and also for proper absorption of drug. This review summarises on dietary regimen used during Rasachikitsa from different classics.
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