Dr. Neeta Singh* and Dr. Surendra Patel
Ayurveda is alienated into eight branches named as Ashtang Ayurveda. The childhood diseases are describe under Bal- Roga branch. Panchakarma is an essential part of Chikitsa; its practice was on full swing at the time when other medical sciences even not on the germination. As per our classics it is the only method to cure the disease from its roots. Panchakarma procedure has efficiency to make equilibrium of Dosha which leads to inefficiency to get relapse again1. In this science treatment is branched into two wings namely; Shodhana Chikitsa (detoxification therapy) and Shamana Chikitsa (curative therapy). Shamana therapy includes Deepana (appetizer), Pachana (digestive) etc. and Shodhana therapy is best for uprooting the disease from the root itself. The physiological participation of Dosha, Dushya and Mala are different (less) in children as compared to adult therefore the type and prevalence of disease are also different in children and thus pediatric care needed utilization of various approaches for the management of Bal-Roga such as; herbal remedies, discipline life style, Rasayana, Lehana and Panchkarma. Panchakarma is an integral part of Chikitsa; its practice was on full swing at the time when other medical sciences even not on the germination. As per our classics, it is the only technique to cure the disease from its roots. Panchakarma procedure has efficiency to make stability of Dosha which leads to inadequacy to get relapse again. According to Charaka in children Dosha, Dushya, & Malas in different Vyadhi are similar to adults but in smaller quantity based on body weight, age, & Agni of child. Whatever the disease the adult suffers the child also suffers.
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