Thaer Al-Momani MD*, Alaa Tawalbeh MD, Mohammad Shatnawi MD, Hani Tarawneh MD, Zakaria Sharadgah MD.
Objective: To evaluate how effective is panthenol ointment in the treatment of diaper dermatitis in babies. Patients and methods: The study was conducted in pediatric outpatient clinic in Gaza strip over a two months period. A total number of 237 of newborns and infants with primary diagnosis of napkin dermatitis were included. patients have been dividedinto two groups according to severity of dermatitis;mild diaper dermatitis in the form of erythema and moderate severity, which was manifested on the background of the development of erythema, papules, erosions and infiltrates in the skin folds.Clinical follow up was done over one week period. Data also included ages, mode of feeding. Results: from the total 237 babies, males were 163 withmales to females ratio of 2.2:1, .100% of the diaper dermatitis developed in the buttocks; while5% of children ingenital areasand 13% inthe thighs.In most patients, improvement was noted on the second day. Treatment of panthenol continued until the complete disappearance of skin changes and averaged 4, 4 ± 0, 1 days. In the group of children with mild disease severity average duration of treatment was 4, 2 ± 0, 7 days, while the group of children with moderate severity of diaper dermatitis the average duration was 4, 7 ± 0, 6 days. Significant difference in the average duration of treatment and mild forms of diaper dermatitis is not obtained (p> 0, 05).Diaper dermatitis was more common in children who were bottle-fed, compared with children who received breast milk but with significant difference. No adverse reactions were observed during the study period. Conclusion: We recommend the use of panthenol ointment for the treatment of diaper dermatitis in infants.
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