Gourab Saha, Soma Das, Rashmi Dorai, T. P. Rao, Mahima, Bandana Singh, Monu Kumar Kashyap, Rajashekar Perusomula and Vivek Dhir*
PNEUMONOULTRAMICROSCOPICSILICOVOLCANOCONIOSIS is a 45-letter English term that causes silicosis, a lung illness produced by inhaling very tiny silica dust, which causes discomfort in the lungs. Silicosis is a chronic lung condition caused by inhaling fine silica dust particles. People who engage in industries where they may be exposed to these microscopic silica particles, such as sandblasting, mining, and construction, are at risk developing silicosis. When individuals inhale the dust of silica, they consume microscopic crystalline silica particles. Such silica dust can induce fluid accumulation and damage tissue in the lungs, reducing your capacity to breathe. Silicosis is a chronic disease that cannot be healed. Treatments alleviate symptoms and manage infections that silicosis patients are prone to. People with silicosis may survive for a lifetime or just a couple of months, depending on the kind. In general, silica dust impairs the ability of the lungs to function properly. Each form of silicosis has a distinct effect on the body: In uncomplicated chronic silicosis, silica dust produces edema in the airways and chest lymphatic nodes, causing difficulties breathing. Swelling in the lungs and symptoms appear sooner in accelerated silicosis than in ordinary silicosis. The lungs become extremely irritated and can fill with fluid in acute silicosis, causing serious difficulty of breath and low oxygenation in the blood levels. Anyone suffering from silicosis may have the following complications: Risk of lung infections and TB is increased. Progressive enormous fibrosis—severe scarring and rigidity of the lung, making breathing difficult. Progressive massive fibrosis can develop in either simple or accelerated silicosis, although it is more prevalent in the accelerated variety, which is characterized by difficulty breathing. The aim of this review paper is to emphasize the detail of causes,pathophysiology,diagnostic method,prevention & treatment of silicosis.
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