Dr. Pavitra G.* and Dr. Praveen Simpi
Brahma Rasa as indicated in Mandala Kushta is compared to Psoriasis can be caused by Streptococcal Infections. Brahma Rasa is one among the Khalviya Rasayana which is explained in Rasendra Chintamani, is indicated in Mandala Kushta is compared to Psoriasis can be caused by Streptococcal Infections. There are many formulations mentioned in classical for Kushta this is one among them. There is a lack of data regarding the pharmaceutical process and analytical profile of Brahma Rasa. Aim: To prepare Brahma Rasa and analyse it using various parameters. Materials and Methods: Brahma Rasa was prepared as per the classics in the form of vati. Other methods adopted were Hingulottha Parada, Shodhana of Gandhaka, Preparation of Kajjali and Rasasindhura. The pharmaceutical and Analytical parameters were compiled and data was recorded.
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