Dr. Bharti Vats* and Dr. Mohit Vashisth
It is not menopause that is the disease, but it is the imbalance of doshas [specially vata dosha] which cause incompatable symptoms. Menopause should not be treated as a disease but enjoyed as a phase of life with some lifestyle and dietery modifications because each phase is beautiful. This natural phenomenon occurs at the age of 45-55 years. Menopause can be graceful with ayurveda, the ancient science of life, which gives holistic treatment that aims at hormones balance by using various herbs. The conventional treatment for various symptoms occurring as a result of cessation of menstruation includes rasayan therapy [for rejuvenation and to promote mental incompetence], yoga therapy [meditation, asana, breathing exercises to improve psychological wellbeing and sleep patterns], shaman aushadhi [for agnideepan, aampachan and anuloman], sanshodhan by panchkarma procedures [like bastz, mridu virechan and shirodhara for internal detoxification] and satvavajaya chikitsa [counselling and reassurance for emotional modulation].
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