Dr. Varsha Kuniyal*, Dr. Madhavi Goswami, Dr. Naresh Kumar and Dr. Shashikant Tiwari
The life science of Ayurveda has been teaching the art of healthy life (physical, mental and spiritual) from ages. Ayurveda includes a detailed explanation of the human body, in terms of Dosha, Dhatu, Malas, Srotas, Kostha, Kostangas, and so on. "Srotas" is short for "Sravanat Srotansi," which might imply exudation, seeping, filtering, flowing, moving, and so on. Hence Srotas can be defined as channels or capillaries or micro-capillaries where 'Sravan Kriya' is going on. Every Srotas has its own Moolasthana, or root. Moolasthana of Srotas was described by Chakrapani as PrabhavaSthana, which signifies the anatomical seat of respective Srotas, the major seat of pathological alterations, diagnostic value, or therapy emphasis. In Ayurveda Yakrit (liver) Pleeha(spleen) and Raktavahi Dhaminiyan (greater artery of body) are known as Moola(basis) of Raktavaha Srotas. The main Dhatu (body component) which has relation with Yakrit and Pleeha is Rakta(blood). So most of the diseases of Yakrit and Pleeha has the involvement pathology of RaktaDhatu. Ayurvedic Acharyas have described that the entire range of life processes in health and disease depends on integrity of the Srotas system which is prone to lose its integrity due to out of order lifestyle and faulty food. Therefore the fundamental applied aspect of Srotas in order to understand disease process in accordance with Modern Anatomical knowledge is need of time. In this research paper Reappraisal of ancient knowledge about Raktavaha Srotas Moola specially on modern parameters is studied.
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