*Dr. Ramsehwar Lal and Dr. Devendra Singh Chahar
In Ayurveda, various methods to maintain healthy body like Yoga, breathing pattern, Pranayama and different types of Asanas. As per Ayurveda, to maintain Swasthya Avastha (Healthy state) of both Shareera and Manas, we should have to follow dietary and behavioral regimens according to different Ritus which is defined as Ritucharya. It is widely explained in different classics of Ayurveda. A Change in season affects our environment and it also affect our natural strength of body. The Change of season will affect the external environment where we are living which in turn will affect our body. When our body is unable to adapt the changes according to season then it became weak and we become sick that is why our body should be adaptable to different environment changes and stay balanced. Therefore, our body should adapt to this changing environment without disturbing the Homeostasis of the body. The important principle of Ayurveda deals with the preventive aspects which can be achieved by properly following regimens which are mentioned in our classics. Dietary and behavioral regimens of Hemanta Ritus are highlighted here along with its modern aspects. These can be correlated to winter season in modern perspective. By proper understanding of these aspects, we can easily make out whether this season will lead to good health or ill health. Lifestyle disorders are becoming a serious problem now a days. How to prevent these is the point of discussion in this article. For preventing these types of disorders, the only way is to understand Ritucharya and makes the body to adjust with this changing environment.
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