Dr. Lahange Sandeep Madhukar*, Dr. Vikash Bhatngar, Dr. Bhangare Archana Nivrutti and Dr. Shailza Bhatnagar
Anatomy is broadly appreciated as being one of the cornerstones of medical education. Learning anatomy through the dissected cadaver is viewed as the uniquely defining feature of medical courses. Explosion of knowledge in the field of medicine was feasible only due to exploration of human body through human cadaver dissection. Sages of ancient India are still relevant as they not only gave the vision of happy social and personal life, with great sense of ecological balance but they also discovered many scientific facts and truth about human body. Such discoveries formed the basis of many sciences of present era. In this topic we will discuss specifically about the facts of modern human anatomy which were already described in very scientific manner by the seers of ?yurveda. ?yurveda has described in detail the dissection methodology, nomenclature of human anatomy and clinical anatomy as well. ?yurveda provide the evidence of existence of knowledge of anatomy before the announcement of modern anatomy. Ayurcedic Acharya described the various terms and concepts regarding the human anatomy in the Samhita. Till date, very little is known to the western world about the profound description of the subject present in ancient texts of Indian medicine. The present research article is taken to show eternity of our ancient science.
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