Dr. Sangita Devi, Dr. Vikrant Kumar* and Dr. Saurabh Yadav
Ayurveda deals with all aspects of life, including the environment around us. It is based on the relationship between mother nature and human beings. Nature has significant impact on health and also gives rise to diseases. Whenever an attempt is made to tamper with nature, it has a tendency to destroy it leading to the distruction of air, water, land and climate ultimately mass destruction of people and wealth. Epidemics or outbreak are events that spread suddenly among a large number of people in a certain period of time. Ayurveda is ancient system of medicine clearly mentioned about such disease causing epidemic under broad term Janpadodhwamsa. Ayurveda has considered unnatural activities of people as the reason behind the vitiation of air, water, land, and season which are common to all living individuals leading to epidemics. The goal of Ayurveda is to Prevention as well as cure disease. Through maintenance of Dincharya, Ritucharya, Sadvrita, with the help of Yoga, Aushadha and Rasayana, the physical and mental health of the individual is secured and diseases can be cured.
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