World Journal of Pharmaceutical
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Dr. Kanchan Rawat*, Dr. Komal Dhiman and Dr. Reena Dixit


Children are born with an immature immune system, hence are at risk from many pathogens.[1] India has the highest number of child births as well as child deaths for any single nation in the world and infectious diseases is one of the important causes of child death. Concept of Immunity in Ayurveda can be understood through concept of Vyadhikshamatva. Which can be achieved by protective and preventive measure. Suvarnprashana is an ayurvedic blessing which is traditionally given to small children. It is one of the preventive measure mention by Acharya Kashyap, which helps children to boost up the intellectual power and produces non-specific immunity in the body to fight against general infections and disorders. Suvarnprashana in children can be mainly implicated in two context of Ayurveda; Lehana (Supplementary feeds) and Jatakarma Samskara (new born care). Suvarnaprashana can be given from birth to sixteen years, keeping in mind the rapid growth and development during this phase of life. Clinically, a minimum therapy of 6 months, 1 year to two years is recommended in order to get considerable results. Ayurvedic physicians administer Suvarnprashana on the day of Pushya Nakshatra of every month. So, after every 27th day on Pushya Nakshatra of every month we should administer Suvarnprashan to the children. In the year 2023, a total of 2332 children of age 0-16 years were given the beneficiary of Suvarnprashana in Suvarnprashana Shivir organised by P.G. Department of Kaumarbhritya Rishikul Campus, Haridwar.

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