Dr. Chitra Karekar* and Dr. Vipeen Atram
Acharya Charaka Gridharsi is one of the Vataja nanatmaja vikara. Gridhrasi has been discussed by all the Acharyas under the heading of Vatavyadhi. Symptoms of Gridhrasi is Spikapurva i.e., pain starts at hip and radiates to Kati (waist), Prusta (back), Uru (thigh), Jaanu (knee joint), Janga (calf muscle), Paada (foot) along with pain there is other complaints like Stamba (stiffness), Toda (pricking type pain), Muhur spandana (tingling sensation), and if there is association of Vatakapha dosha than the symptoms like Tandra (lethargic), Gourava (heaviness) and Arochaka (anorexia) will be present. The sciatic nerve is the longest and thickest nerve in human body. It originates from the vertebral column at the level of 4th lumbar to 3rd sacral vertabra and extends up to the feet. Hence the pain in sciatica is felt in the lower back and it radiates along the nerve up to the feet. The causes of sciatica are arthritic changes in the L.S. spine, disc herniation in the level of L.S. spine due to bad posture, accidents, sedentary life style and repetitive Stress Injuries twisting, pulling, running.
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