World Journal of Pharmaceutical
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Bhawana Rana*, Usha Sharma, Manish Purushottam Deshmukh, Shuchi Mitra and Khem Chand Sharma


Introduction: Darvyadi Ghrita (Medicated Butter) is a polyherbal formulation and is mainly indicated for the Diarrhoea. It is mentioned in the text Charak Samhita by Acharya Charaka. The ingredients of Darvyadi Ghrita (Medicated Butter) with their rasapanchaka (Properties)are very much competent to exhibit anti-bacterial and antidiarrheal property from Ayurvedic perspective. Need of the study: 1. In developing countries like India morbidity and mortality rate related to diarrhoea are high, so there is a need of effective classical herbal formulation for it. 2. The microbial resistance is growing day-by-day, new antimicrobial drug development takes many decades and hepatotoxicity and nephrotoxicity is also an associated factor. 3. Ghrita (Clarified Butter) formulation was found effective in curing Bacterial Diarrhoea. (Laxmi,2021) 4. Mostly Diarrhoea is caused by bacteria, therefore anti-bacterial & anti-diarrheal activity of Darvyadi Ghrita (Medicated Butter) will be evaluated. 5. No specific research has been conducted on anti-bacterial and anti-diarrheal activity of Darvyadi Ghrita (Medicated Butter). Aim: To evaluate the Anti-bacterial and Anti-diarrheal activity of Darvyadi Ghrita (Medicated Butter). Materials and methods: This opened labelled protocol for prospective study will be conducted in the department of Rasa Shastra and Bhaisajya Kalpana, Rishikul Ayurvedic College, Uttrakhand. The study involves the pharmaceutical preparation, analytical characterization, antibacterial evolution and anti-diarrheal activity testing of Darvyadi Ghrita (Medicated Butter) using standard pharmacological methods and animal models.

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