Dichen Angmo*, Akhilesh Kumar Srivastava, Ranu Rajpurohit, Kashish and Harsh Bhardwaj
Nadi Pariksha is an ancient science and art that may be used to ascertain a person's present condition of mind, body, soul, and spirit. The influence on Dhatus, Manas, and Sukshma Sharir is determined by evaluating the Prakruti (body constitution), Vikruti, and Dosha condition in each organ. It is also utilized as a predictive and diagnostic instrument. In Ayurveda, it is highly regarded to diagnose a condition before treating it. Examining patients is essential to diagnosing the illnesses. In Ayurvedic texts, Rog Rogi Pariksha is described in several forms, including Trividha Pariksha, Saptvidha Pariksha, Ashtavidha Pariksha, Dashavidha Pariksha, and so forth. The idea of Nadi Pariksha is included in Yogratnakar's explanation of Ashatavidhya Pariksha. Under Rog Pariksha Yogratnakara described Nadi Pariksha in first.
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