Sivakumar B.*
Background: Traditionally medicine plants are having the ability dissolving kidney stone which is very effective and save. The scientific study of these plants for their urolithiasis has been studied and further it is not forwarded to use as a medicine in the form of syrup Objective: The aim of our present study is to formulate polyherbal syrup for antiurolithiatic activity. Urolithiasis is the formation of urinary calculi at any part of the urinary tract. Material and methods: Aqueous extract of Bergenia ligulata (AEOBL), Boerhavia diffusa (AEOBD), Tribulus terrestris (AEOTT), Raphanus sativus (AEORS), and Cocos Nucifera (AEOCN) are prepared by maceration method. Phytochemical investigation of all the extract was made to detect the various phytoconstituents or the secondary metabolites. Further the bioactive constituents are confirmed by subjecting the extract thin layer chromatography. Evaluation of antiurolithiasis activities of the extract against calcium oxalate crystals by employing an in- vitro studies is performed by egg semipermeable membrane model, using cystone as a standard drug. Results: % dissolution of AEOBL, AEOBD, AEOTT, AEORS, AEOCN was found to be 75.33%, 75.33%, 75.33%, 66.96% respectively which compared with standard cystone 83.7%. Conclusion: The data obtained through this study, it is confirmed that these plants are really effective in the treatment of dissolving kidney stones. Polyherbal syrup was made by using these extract, simple syrup and preservatives. The formulation is subjected to various standardization parameters like, appearance, specific gravity, viscosity and ph.
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