*Vd. Soniya Raghunath Koli
Srotas are channels of body, Ayurvedic classics proclaim "Srotomayam hi shariram" means that living body is a channel system and/or is comprised of innumerable channels which are designed as inner transport system for divergent function. Dictionary meaning of word 'strotas' are read as a current a stream, a river. As srotas are formed due to Akasha mahabhuta, they have characteristics like patency, porous, clean, soft, slightly unctuous, thin, colourless and transparent. Srotas are the inner transport system of the body which provide platform for activities of other important biofactors like tri dosh, saptadhatu, oja and agni etc. Acharcya Charaka describes thirteen Srotas. In which Purishavaha srotas (which carry the feces), Mutravaha srotas (channels which carry the urine), Swedavaha srotas (channels which carry perspiration) this three srotas helps to regulate the elimination of metabolic waste products. In this research article we discuss the Swedvaha srotas.
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