World Journal of Pharmaceutical
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Dr. Prajakta Shivaji Metkari* and Dr. Chandana Virkar


The main aim and objective of Ayurved is “Swasthyasya Swasthya Rakshnam” “Aaturasya Vikara Prasamanam” Which means maintaining the health of a healthy person and prevention of disease and curing the disease of illing person. The Shalakyatantra is a part of Astanga Ayurved, deals with the disease above throat. It includes the disease and treatment of Netra (eye), Karna (ear), Nasa (nose), Kantha (throat), Mukha (oral), Danta (dental) and Siro-Kapala Gata (head) Roga. Panchakarma is a branch of Ayurveda, meant for the removal of vitiated Dosha, Mala or toxic part of body and balances Dosha-Dushya. Basti is one of the five procedures of ayurveda. Basti is best suited for treating Vata diseases; it can also be used to treat Pitta and Kapha Doha disorder. It is mainly of two types Asthapan and Anuvasan. Basti shows effective and satisfactory outcome in urdhwajatrugat roga. An attempt is made here to emphasize Basti karma as an essential treatment in various urdhwajatrugat roga.

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