Dr. Manish Gehlot* and Dr. Ravi Shankar Khatri
Shvitra is a type of kushtha roga (skin disorder) also known as Kilasa. In modern science, it correlates with Vitiligo which is a type of chronic skin disorder causes hypopigmentation of the skin. Shvitra is a condition in which tridosha and tvak, rakta, mamsa and meda are affected. Though it is tridoshaja vikara, it should be treated according to dosha predominant with the principle of treatment involving shodhana (elimination), shamana (palliative), nidana-parivarjana (removal of the causes) and pathya sevana. A 5 years old male patient presented to the outpatient department with white discoloration of the skin on the back and right foot for the last three years. He has taken homeopathic treatment but found no cure. So treatment plan was designed for the patient was treated with Ayurvedic oral medications including, Swayambhuva Guggulu, Syrup lukoskin, Arogya vardhni vati and local application of lukoskin ointment on affected areas of the skin. The restitution of skin colour was determined to be successful with the course of the treatment plan.
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