World Journal of Pharmaceutical
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Dr. Mandavi Gupta*, Dr. Prafulla, Dr. Shweta Sharma and Dr. Ved Prakash Gupta


Ayurveda is not only a system of medicine but is comprehensive science of life. In Ayurveda, Sheetapitta is mentioned as Vata, Pitta predominant Tridoshaj Vyadhi and Rakta are main Dushya. Madhavkara described Sheetapitta as a separate disease under the title of Sheetapitta-Udarda. When person contact with cold wind, Vata and Kapha are two Doshas get vitiated which in turn is associated with Pitta dosha then spreads in skin and Raktadi Dhatu resulting Sheetapitta. Urticaria is a kind of skin rash with red, raised, itchy bumps. It is a dermal vascular reaction of the skin characterized by the appearance of itchy wheals, which are elevated (edematous), pale or erythematous, transient and evanescent plaque lesions. The worldwide incidence is 0.1% –3% of the population with women affected twice more likely than men. It is estimated that about 1 in 5 people will have urticaria once in their lifetime and this seems to be the case across all age groups. Modern medicine provide temporary symptomatic relief and patient has to take medicine for long time, which may be having some unwanted side effect so complete relief from the condition without its recurrence and side effects is still a question which could be sought out by Ayurveda. Various previous researches shown that ayurveda has the potential in the management of Sheetapitta patients. Hence the present review paper is taken up A Review on Effect of Durvadi lepa in Sheetpitta (Urticaria).

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