Dr. Pooja Khamari* and Dr. Sonalika Jena
All skin diseases has put into single platform i.e, kustha in Ayurveda. Vicharchika is a type of kshudra kustha often encountered by Ayurvedic Dermatologist characterised with main symptoms namely Kandu, srava, pidaka and shyava varna. According to Ayurveda science, Vicharchika is a Rakta Pradoshaja Vikara with the involvement of three Doshas with dominance of Kapha. The disease may be correlated with eczema based on the clinical presentations. A 41 years female patient consulted in out patient department (OPD) of Kayachikitsa, G.A.M & Hospital Puri with the complaint of recurrent skin rashes, redness, severe itching, blister and bleeding of skin in lateral side of the chest region and above the abdominal region since 4months. Ayurvedic medications (Rasa manikya, Arogyavardhini vati, Mahamanjistadi kwatha, Panchanimba churna and sweta churna with coconut oil for local applications) was administered. After the intake of shamana aushadhis itching, redness, small papular eruption and bleeding was reduced completely. By administering Ayurvedic intervention, the patient was able to get rid from Vicharchika. This case report here, showed the effectiveness of Ayurvedic intervention in the management of Vicharchika.
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