Vd. Anil Pawshekar*, Vd. Yashasvi Khobragade and Vd. Sneha Tiwari
Background: In the present era Kasa is the most common disease affecting a large aged population. Kasa is one of the Pranvaha Strotodusthijanya Vyadhi. The vitiated Prana Vayu along with Udana Vayu which further gets aggravated in association with other Doshas and expelled out forcefully with a ‘coughing sound’ like the broken- bronze vessel, called as Kasa. In this disease, Pran Vayu gets UdanGati. Due to PratilomaGati (Reverse direction) of Prana Vayu, Apan Vayu gets UrdhwaGati (Upward direction) and make obstruction in PrakrutaGati(Normal direction) of Udan Vayu result in obstruction and Pran Vayu gets expel out by mouth. Aim and Objective: To evaluate, elaborate and discussion of Hetu, Purvarupa, Rupa, Doshasanghatan. Material and Methods: This review article is based on NidanaPanchaka(Five tools of treatment) Kasa Roga from Ayurvedic text (Samhitas) such as Charaka Samhita, Sushruta Samhita, AstangaHridaya, Madhava Nidana and others. Observation and Result: A detailed review of Nidanapanchaka of above paves way for clear understanding of minute aspects connected to disease
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