World Journal of Pharmaceutical
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Vd. Ajay M. Masane*, Vd. Harsha A. Masane and Vd. Sneha R. Tiwari


The term Sandhigatavata has its origin from a combination of three words viz. „Sandhi?, „Gata? and „Vata?. i. Sandhi: According to Vachaspatyam, the word Sandhi is derived from the root “Dha” when prefixed by “Sam” and suffixed by “Ki” which gives rise to the word Sandhi which means the joint, the union. ii. Gata: The term Gata is derived from the root “Gam” which means go to, arrived at, situated in, or directed to. From the above various meanings, it can be revealed that the word “Gata” is related to site. Hence in the case of Sandhigatavata, it denotes the site in which provoked Vata is situated. iii. Vata: The term Vata originated from the root “Va Gatigandhanayo” which when suffixed by „Ktan? gives rise to the word Vata which means to blow, to go, to move, to smell, to strike, to hurt, to enlighten 14. Thus, Sandhigatavata means provoked Vata located in Sandhi.

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