World Journal of Pharmaceutical
and Medical Research

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Dr. Shubhangi Kapil Thakur*, Dr. Anil B. Kale and Dr. T. Y. Swamy


The prevalence of stuttering is also highest almost pre-school children compared to school aged children and adults with estimated prevalence rates of approximately 2.4%, 1%, and less than 1% for the three age groups respectively. Fluency disorders can have a significant impact on children’s social, economic, and emotional development. Emotional development includes fear, anxiety, anger, and shame about speaking, and they may also develop negative thoughts or feelings about themselves or communication. So early intervention can help children with fluency disorders improve their communication skills and navigate everyday situations with confidence. So, we need to understand the fluency disorders with characteristic and assessment parameters in detail, and here, we try to explain the fluency disorder in modern as well as ayurvedic perspective for the early intervention.

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