Dr. Suvitha S. V.* and Dr. Swati N. Khandale
Background Rationale: Non-communicable disease is considered as the leading cause of death and disability globally. Faulty diet habit is one of the major risk factors for NCDs. Ahara is considered one of the Trayoupasthamba which is essential for living. Ahara is found to have a major impact on maintaining one’s health. Acharya Kashyapa mentioned Ahara as Mahabhesaja. Food is considered as the best medicine when it is taken in properly by adopting proper dietic rules otherwise it is similar to toxins. Nutrigenomics is a groundbreaking field that examines the interaction between nutrition and genes to develop personalized dietary recommendations. When combined with the ancient principles of Ayurveda, nutrigenomics provides a holistic approach to health and wellness, offering customized diet plans that cater to an individual’s unique genetic and physiological profile. Materials and Method: Authentic databases such as PubMed, Scopus, MEDLINE, Cochrane library etc. were searched using the acronym nutrigenomics and Ayurveda. Also, various authentic journals, articles were referred. Discussion: Over 2000 years before our Acharyas mentioned about Ashtavidha Ahara Vidhivisheshaaayatana, AshtavidhaAhara Vidhivitana, and disease-specific Pathya - Apathya. However, everything in today's advanced world needs to be supported by empirical data from science. Ayur-nutrigenomics is an emerging field of interest pervading Ayurveda systems biology, where the selection of a suitable dietary, therapeutic, and lifestyle regime is made on the basis of clinical assessment of an individual maintaining one's Prakriti. Conclusion: This Ayurveda-inspired concept of personalized nutrition is a novel concept of nutrigenomic research for developing personalized functional foods and nutraceuticals suitable for one's genetic makeup with the help of Ayurveda. Incorporation of genomics in ayurvedic dietary principles can give a shred of strong scientific evidence.
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