Dr. Aishwarya K. Sunil* and Dr. Apeksha D. Rao
Face of an individual is a personal identity, in which hair plays a very important role. A natural aging process, the slow-but-steady greying of hair assumes a lot of aesthetic relevance in our society. Premature greying of hair is now a dreaded issue faced by present day youngster. It has effect on appearance, confidence, self-esteem and social acceptance of the affected individual. Among youngsters hair grooming has become so important that they spend a lot of money and time on hair styling and maintenance. Many go to salons where the dresser treats one’s hair with chemicals and hot air. Hair dyes, gels and alike flood the cosmetic market which gives only a temporary relief. Shiras is considered the Uttamanga of the body because it is the seat of Prana and the Indriyas. Among Brihat Trayees, Ashtanga Hridaya gives a detailed description of diseases of nine Kapalagata Rogas. In Ayurveda, Palitya comes under Kshudra Roga or Kapalagata Roga which occurs due to the grief, anger and fatigue causing vitiation of Deha Ushma and Ushna Guna of Pitta circulates to Romakupa and causes Paka of hair. Treatment involves Sodhana and Shamana line of management ranging from Shiroabhyanga, Nasya, Shirolepa. So, Nasya Karma was opted as a line of management in this study. For this clinical trial, Bringaraja Taila Nasya and Brihatyadi Taila Nasya is used which has Vatapitta properties. 30 Patients diagnosed with Akala Palitya and those who fulfill the inclusion and diagnostic criteria irrespective of gender, religion, occupation, marital status, socio economic status, educational status were selected for the study. Group A and Group B with 15 patients in each Group A was administered with Bringaraja Taila Nasya and Group B with Brihatyadi Taila Nasya, six Bindu in each nostril for 14 days in one sitting. Diagnosis was made on the basis of signs and symptoms mentioned in Ayurvedic literature and modern reference sources- Akala kesha vaivarnyata (Premature change in color of hair), Rooksha sphutitha(dry splitted hair), Snigdha sthoola(oilyness), Daha (burning sensation of scalp). Data was tabulated and analyzed using Mann Whitney Rank Sum Test for subjective parameters and unpaired ‘t’ test for objective parameters, which showed no improvement in Akala Kesha Vaivarnya and random hair count. But showed marked improvement in Snigdha Sthoola and Rooksha Sputitha Kesha.
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