Dr. Premraj Chaudhary*, Dr. Pallavi Singh and Dr. Rohit Ranjan
Habitual sleeplessness or simply inability to sleep for a minimum period, which is necessary for a sound mental and physical health, is called insomnia (Anidra). Ayurveda recognizes the importance of sleep to health and has considered it as an upstambha of life. Insomnia is the most common sleep problem worldwide and can lead to many psychosomatic manifestations like fatigue, high blood pressure, inability to perform physical and mental activities normally and badly hampers the quality of life. Now a day many people are dependent on sleeping pills and have became habitual to them. Side effects of the sleeping pills like daytime drowsiness, dizziness, difficulty in keeping balance, constipation, loss of appetite etc. are potentially harmful. Hence it is need of the hour to understand the concept of insomnia explained in Ayurveda. Present article comprises of causes, consequences and management of insomnia with the perspective of Ayurveda.
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