Dr. Ayesha Nageen*, Dr. Farhat Bashir, Dr. Saera Suhail Kidwai, Prof. Syed Muhammad Munir, Prof. Jamal Ara
The persistent presence of anemia worldwide is an ongoing challenge for physicians across the world and in this global measure Pakistan stands out for its high prevalence of anemia. We did a situation analysis to determine the frequency of anemia and its related particulars in apparently healthy individuals of Pakistan. The study is a cross sectional, observational one conducted in a tertiary care hospital on 1200 adults attending clinic chosen by convenient sampling. Pregnant females and patients of any severe organ insufficiency, stroke, neurodegenerative disease, known blood dyscrasias or terminal illness at baseline evaluation were excluded. With the history and examination, complete blood picture was done to identify anemia, its severity and the Mean Corpuscular Volume. Results; Out of 1200, 627 (52.3%) were anemic. Among 493 males 238 were anemic (51.4%) and in 707 females 389 were anemic (55%). (P=0.01). The mean hemoglobin in males is 12.5+/- 2.4, R -14.9 and in females is 11.7+/- 1.8, R -13.6. 53.5% of the young, 52% in the middle age group, and 50% elderly are anemic (P=0.66). Among the 627 anemic, 423 (67%) had mild, 140 (22%) moderate and 64 (10.2%) had severe anemia. (P=0.000). Mild anemia was most common in the all ages and both genders. (P=0.191). Among the anemic, 256 (40%) had normocytic anemia, 336 (53.5%) had microcytic and 35(5.5%) had macrocytic type. (P= 0.000). Microcytic was prevalent in females and in young and middle age group and normocytic in males and in elderly. The Bengalis, Sindhis, Urdu speaking and Pashtuns were highly anemic. 46% smokers and 49% diabetics were anemic. Logistic regression showed no correlation of hemoglobin to parity or age. Anemia is still prevalent in Pakistan and needs urgent and extensive action to decrease its prevalence.
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