Dr. Renu Khayamali*, Dr. Yogeesha Acharya, Dr. Sandesh Kumar Shetty and Dr. B. R. Dodamani
Amlapitta (Acid Peptic Disorder) is a very common emerging which is an abnormal pathological condition of pitta occurring due to indulgence in aahara, vihara and manasika bhava which are of incompatible combination, faulty dietary habit, persistent intense stress, excess alcohol consumption, spicy and oily food and sedentary life style. The condition can be cured using medication but the condition may relapse as soon as nidana sevana is done. So the holistic approach is a must to tackle this problem like intake of pathyahara, sodhana kriya (vamana, virechana etc), yogic kriya (Jala Dhauti), yogasana (vajrasana, shavasana, salabhasana, and yoga nidra), pranayama (Shitali, Shitkari), life style modification (avoidance of unwholesome diet, tobacco chewing, and alcohol intake), etc. By the use of these approaches the condition can be treated to its root. Moreover, amlapitta can be prevented by the use of pathyahara and practice of good lifestyle habits (Vihara), following the charya traya ( dinacharya, rutucharya and ratricharya) and avoidance of nidana.The present paper focuses on the holistic approach for the prevention (primary, secondary and tertiary) of amlapitta Thus preventing disease from gaining a foothold in the system.
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